Flooring Board Lengths and the Importance – Gaylord Flooring

Flooring Board Lengths and the Importance

One thing our company is known for is our long board lengths. Our standard hardwood flooring comes in lengths up to 8 feet and our wide plank and engineered flooring comes in lengths up to 10 feet. If you compare our flooring to most quality North American hardwood flooring manufacturers, you will find our average board lengths are almost double industry norms.

long board lengths in hardwood flooringWe bought boxes of red oak flooring from 4 of the largest North American hardwood flooring manufacturers and found the average board lengths for each to be somewhere between 27 to 29 inches. The average board length in our red oak is 48-54”. This is a significant difference. Longer lengths provide more visual continuity and a nicer look, whereas short boards look very choppy.

The reason for our long board lengths is quite simple. We use better lumber.

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