How to install a floating hardwood floor ||| Video – Gaylord Flooring

How to install a floating hardwood floor ||| Video


Floating Engineered Flooring Installation

Floating Installations are most often used in condominiums or basements. The underlay used acts as a sound barrier in condominiums and a thermal/vapour barrier in basement applications. It is not a good idea to float a floor where it will be meeting a nosing at a step. Floating floors require space for expansion and contraction and cannot be restricted; this would require a t-mold or other transition piece at the nosing causing a tripping hazard.
  • Using approved glue, put a line not less than 1/16” and up to 1/8” diameter to the side and end grooves of the flooring installed over an approved underlay. We recommend Acousti-tech Premium Underlay. The floor will slightly move when walked on, especially if the floor is not perfectly level.
  • After installation, the floor can’t be disturbed for 48 hours; to allow the glue to set. Putting protective covering on the flooring will prevent the glue from curing, and prolong the drying period. If the floor is walked on before that time, the glue bond will be weakened; the boards will separate and possibly cause squeaks in the future. Squeaks are not covered under our warranty.


Pros of a Floating Engineered Flooring Installation

  • Installation is less expensive as it takes less time and less glue is used
  • Installation is less messy as the adhesive used can be cleaned off the surface easily
  • Board replacements, if necessary, are much easier.

Cons of a Floating Engineered Flooring Installation

  • Floating floors have more of a tendency to squeak if the subfloor is not level

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