Enhance your Hardwood Flooring | Custom Hardwood Accessories – Gaylord Flooring

Enhance your Hardwood Flooring | Custom Hardwood Accessories

How to Enhance your Hardwood Flooring  

After deciding on a beautiful hardwood floor for your home, it is important to ensure that you include some of our amazing accessories to make your floor look next level! We offer a variety of different options to bring that wow factor to your hardwood flooring.

Custom Flush Hardwood Vents

These are an absolute must! These custom flush vents are handcrafted to order to match your hardwood floor. They are crafted in the same wood species (Still undecided? Check out this guide to choose your wood species) and finished with your hardwood flooring to ensure a beautiful match. Each vent is made with individual quarter sawn pieces, which create a very attractive vent with a high level of durability.

Wide Plank White Oak with Matching Wooden Vent

What do you mean when you say 'Flush'?

These vents are installed with a gorgeous frame, where the height matches up with your existing flooring. These help to create a very seamless looking floor and provide continuity in the space. With the vents being flush with your hardwood flooring, it eliminates any tripping hazards, in your busy lifestyle. Did I mention that they make cleaning a breeze? (No, I'm not joking..you will appreciate this too!)

Walnut Hardwood Flooring Vent

What if you don't have my vent size?

All of our floor vents are custom made to order. Standard vent sizes are kept on hand for finishing purposes, although we have the ability to create most custom sizes for your floor. Older century homes sometimes have unique vents and cold air returns, which can be hard to find in box stores. Our cold air returns are stained by hand to create a very close match to your hardwood floor. Realistically, you don't want to invest in your hardwood floor to put in a giant metal cold air return! 

How do I know what size vent I need?

Sizing your floor vents is actually quite easy. You need to size the physical opening that is in your floor. With these measurements, we have the ability to build you a custom floor vent. (Told you it was easy!) Want to see how, watch our quick vent sizing video.

Additional Hardwood Flooring Accessories 

Looking for a transition strip for your home, but not sure what you need? We offer a variety of different options to transition from your hardwood flooring to an alternative textile in your home. We offer t-mold pieces when matching up with the same height and reducers when transitioning to a textile less than 3/4" in thickness. These are all stained by hand to match your hardwood flooring. If you are looking to transition into a stairway, we can provide custom stained nosing to match.

 Still unsure about sizing your hardwood vent? Unsure what transition piece you really need? Give us a call, we'll help you out! 

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